Plymouth School District Community Education & Recreation
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Middle School Dance Register View Cart

Middle School Dance: Winter sport- Open to all middle school students grades 6-8 in our community, including those homeschooled or attending parochial schools. Please be sure to complete additional forms and download the physical evaluation form.

Info. Meeting: 3pm Tuesday Sept. 10th in the RV Library

Practices: 3-4:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays from Oct. 1 to Nov. 7 at Riverview

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Middle School Dance 
N/A 6 - 8 TuTh  TBA $20.00 Res, $20.00 Non-Res
Middle School Dance: Winter sport- Open to middle school students grades 6-8 in our community, including those homeschooled or attending parochial schools. Please be sure to complete additional forms and download the physical evaluation form.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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