Plymouth School District Community Education & Recreation
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Around Our Town Tours Register View Cart

Learn about community organizations/businesses/churches in Plymouth.
Field Trips for adults over the age of 18 years. 
Tours are free, but you must register at least 2 days before the tour date. 
Space is limited.

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Mental Health America Lakeshore (MHA) 
18y and up N/A 10/28/2024
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

MHA: 410 S. Milwaukee Street, Plymouth
$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res
Learn about this nonprofit mental health agency serving our community since 1953 whose mission is to promote overall mental health through education, support, public health reform, and advocacy with a vision to create mentally healthy communities.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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